Board of Directors

Accountable to the General Meeting of Shareholders, deliberate and approve the important matters in the Company's business activities and make decision or reports the matters to the General Meeting of Shareholders for further discussion

Member of The Board arrow-icon
Wang Yusuo
Wang Yusuo - Chairman

Born in 1964, holds a Doctorate Degree. As a founder of ENN Group, he served as the member of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, vice chairman of the 9th All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce, vice chairman of the China Private Chamber of Commerce, member of the Standing Committee of the 12th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference Hebei, vice chairman of Hebei Federation of Industry & Commerce and vice chairman of Langfang Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He has more than 30 years of experience in gas business investment and management. Currently, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors in ENN Group, Director of ENN International, Chairman of the Board of Director of ENN Holdings, Director of ENC Digital Technology Co.,Ltd., Chairman of the Board of Directors of Langfang Natural Gas Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Board of Directors of Langfang ENN Energy Development Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Board of Directors of ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Director of ENN Energy and independent Director of DiDi Global Inc.; he has worked as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company since November 2008.

Yu Jianchao - Vice Chairman (Executive Chairman)
Yu Jianchao - Vice Chairman (Executive Chairman)

Born in 1968, holds an MBA Degree conferred by China Europe International Business School and an EMBA Degree at Tsinghua PBCSF. He was the Deputy Chief Accountant, Chief Accountant, Chairman of the Supervision Committee, Chief Financial Officer, Chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee and Vice President of ENN Group, Vice President of ENN Energy, Vice President of the Company and the CEO of the Company, etc. Mr. YU Jianchao has extensive experience in company management and capital operation. Currently, he works as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hebei Weiyuan Group Co., Ltd. and ENN (Zhoushan) LNG Co., Ltd. He served as the Co-CEO of the company from September 2020 to December 2023, and as the Vice Chairman of the company from November 2017 to December 2023. He has been a Director of the company since February 2017, and has been the Vice Chairman (Executive Chairman) of the company since December 2023.

Han Jishen
Han Jishen

Born in 1964, holds an EMBA Degree conferred by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He joined ENN Energy in 1993, served as senior executive officer in different subsidiary companies under ENN Energy. He was also the President, CEO, Co-vice Chairman and Executive Director of ENN Energy. He has extensive experience in market research, business development and operation management in energy industry. He has served as the Co-CEO and Director of the Company since September 2020.

Zhang Yuying - Directors and President
Zhang Yuying - Directors and President

Born in 1973, holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Renmin University of China. He joined ENN Group in 2003 and has been deeply involved in the urban gas industry for many years. He has served as the Chief Strategy Performance Director of ENN Group, the Executive Director and President of ENN Energy Holdings Limited (2688.HK), and the Executive Vice President of Xin’ao Xinzhi Technology Co., Ltd. He is currently the Chairman of ENC Digital Technology Co., Ltd. Mr. Zhang Yuying has extensive experience in strategic planning, market expansion, safe operation, and digital transformation. He has precise customer cognition and market insight, outstanding strategic thinking and deployment execution capabilities, leading the sustainable development of the enterprise and achieving outstanding career achievements. He has been the President and Director of the company since December 2023.

Jiang Chenghong - Director and Co-CEO
Jiang Chenghong - Director and Co-CEO

Born in 1975, holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Wuhan University and an EMBA from Xiamen University. He has served as the Deputy General Manager and General Manager of the Capital Department, the Director of the Finance Department in Sinochem Group Co., Ltd., the Director of Sinochem Petroleum Exploration and Development Company, the Director of Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., and the Director of China Foreign Economy and Trade Trust Co., Ltd. Mr. Jiang Chenghong has extensive experience in financial management, capital operations, bulk commodity price risk and foreign exchange risk management, and possesses keen risk insight, outstanding organizational coordination, and analytical decision-making abilities. Mr. Jiang Chenghong joined ENN Group in September 2017 and has served as the Director of ENN International Investment Co., Ltd., the CFO of ENN Group Co., Ltd., and is currently the Director of Tibet Tourism Co., Ltd. He has been a Director of the Company since November 2020, and has been the Co-CEO of the Company since December 2023.

Zhang Jin
Zhang Jin

Born in 1973, graduated from Renmin University of China with a Master’s Degree in Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. She served as Senior Vice President of Shanda Network Group, Vice President of Human Resources of Shanda Group, and Vice President of Human Resources of Lenovo Group. She has extensive experience in the talent stimulation and corporate management. She joined ENN Group in September 2016. At present, she works as the Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer of ENN Group, Chief Human Resources Officer of ENN Energy and Director of ENC Digital Technology Co., Ltd.. She has worked as the Director of the Company since November 2020.

Wang Zizheng
Wang Zizheng

Born in 1988, graduated from Tongji University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Urban Planning. He served as the Assistant to the President of ENN Group Intelligent Energy Co., Ltd., Director of Green Transportation Energy Strategic Planning of Transfuels. LLC in U.S., Deputy General Manager of ENN Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd., Vice President of ENN Energy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ENC Digital Technology Co., Ltd, Director of ENN International, etc. He has extensive experience in investment, M&As and operation management of overseas LNG refueling stations. At present, he works as the Director of ENN Group, Non-executive Director of ENN Energy, Director of ENN Shuneng Technology Co., Ltd., member of Hebei Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, member of the Executive Committee of Hebei Federation of Industry and Commerce, member of the Standing Committee of Langfang Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Vice Chairman of Langfang Federation of Industry & Commerce. He has worked as the Director of the Company since June 2018.

Tang Jiasong
Tang Jiasong - Independent Director

Born in 1974, is qualified as a Certified Public Accountant. He performed the audits of consolidated statement, A-share and H-share IPO for many state-owned, private and multinational companies. From September 1995 to August 2015, he worked at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP, and was promoted to partner in June 2007. Mr. TANG Jiasong has extensive experience in the audit of statements and financial risk identification and prevention and control, and has provided many valuable suggestions for the company’s audit and internal control. He has worked as the Independent Director of the Company since July 2019.

Zhang Yu
Zhang Yu - Independent Director

Born in 1958, holds an EMBA Degree conferred by Peking University. He has long been engaged in oil production technology research, oil and gas field development, oil and gas storage and transportation production management and natural gas pipeline construction, etc.. Zhang Yu has rich experience in corporate management and project infrastructure management and has obtained the title of Senior Engineer. He served as Deputy General Manager, Safety Director, General Manager and Director of PetroChina Beijing Gas Pipeline Co., Ltd. He has worked as an Independent Director of the Company since November 2020.

Chu Yuansheng
Chu Yuansheng - Independent Director

Born in 1963, graduated from Peking University with a Master’s Degree in Law, He is admitted to practice law in China. With 12 years experience of the legal department in a Fortune 500 foreign company, he is familiar with both civil law and common law. He used to be a researcher of the Academy of Military Sciences, the legal counsel of China Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd., and a practicing lawyer of Beijing Junyicheng Law Firm.

Wang Chunmei
Wang Chunmei - Independent Director

Born in 1964, he holds a bachelor's degree in National Economic Planning Economics from Renmin University of China, and is qualified for the professional and technical position of senior engineer. Senior energy background, with up to 32 years of work experience in the energy industry; understand the laws and trends of market development, and accurately understand and grasp industry policies. He used to be the deputy general manager of Zhejiang Zheneng Gas Co., Ltd. and the general manager of Zhejiang Natural Gas Development Co., Ltd.

Supervisory Board

Responsible for supervising the behaviours of the directors and the management, and the Company's financials

Member of Supervisory Board arrow-icon
Li Lan
Li Lan Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Born in 1969, graduated from school of mechanical engineering, Beijing University of science and technology with a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. With 21 years of service experience in multinational enterprises and 9 years in local enterprises, he has rich accumulation in the fields of business management, strategic planning, marketing, organization and talent development. He has served as Acer China Marketing Director, HP Global Product Line Marketing Director, IBM China Marketing Management.

Wang Xi
Wang Xi

Born in 1972, holds an EMBA Degree conferred by Peking University. She served as a senior management in ENN Group and its subsidiaries, Deputy General Manager of Changsha Xinao Gas Co., Ltd., General Manager of Financial Management Department and Chief Financial Officer of ENN Group and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Tibet Tourism Co Ltd.. Currently, she works as Executive Vice President and Director of ENC Digital Technology Co., Ltd. and Supervisor of ENN Holdings; she has worked as the Supervisor of the Company since July 2013.

Liu Jie
Liu Jie Employee Representative Supervisor

Born in 1977, Bachelor of North China University of Technology, has long been engaged in finance, investment, internal control, market development, risk management and other aspects of work. He has rich experience in financial management, investment management, risk control management, etc. He used to be the deputy director of finance and performance of Xinneng Phoenix (Tengzhou) Energy Co., Ltd., the director and director of the investment management department of ENN, and the deputy general manager of Xinneng (Tianjin) Energy Co., Ltd.

Strategy Committee

Researching and making recommendations on the Company's long-term devel-opment strategy and major investment decisions

Appointment Committee

Selecting and making recommendations on the selection, selection criteria and procedures for directors and senior officers of the Company

Audit Committee

Responsible for the communication, supervision and verification of internal and external audits of the Company

Remuneration and Evaluation Committee

Responsible for formulating the appraisal standards for and conducting the appraisal of the Company's directors and senior officers, and formulating and reviewing the remuneration policies and packages of the Company's directors and senior officers and accountable to the Board of Directors

ESG Committee

Overseeing strategic environmental, social and governance planning and related goal setting and achievement

Governance Structure
Strategy Committee ESG Committee Audit Committee Nomination Committee Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
Wang Yusuo Wang Yusuo
Yu Jianchao Yu Jianchao
Zhang Yuying Zhang Yuying
Han Jishen Han Jishen
Jiang Chenghong Jiang Chenghong
Zhang Jin Zhang Jin
Wang Zizheng Wang Zizheng
Chu Yuansheng Chu Yuansheng
Tang Jiasong Tang Jiasong
Zhang Yu Zhang Yu
Wang Chunmei Wang Chunmei
Data Source: 2023 Annual Report
Reports of the total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period
Reports of the total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting periodTotal number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights were restored at the end of the reporting period (if any)
Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders
Name of Shareholder
Nature of Shareholders
Number of Shareholding
Shareholding ratio (%)
Number of restricted shares held
The condition of pledge, mark, or freeze
Share status
Foreign legal person
ENN Holdings Investment Co., Ltd.
Domestic nonstate-owned legal person
ENN Technology Development Co., Ltd
Domestic nonstate-owned legal person
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited
Langfang Heyuan Investment Center (LLP)
Hebei Weiyuan Group Co., Ltd.
Domestic nonstate-owned legal person
Hongchuang (Shenzhen) Investment Centre (Limited Partnership)
National Social Security Fund 106 Portfolio
Basic endowment insurance fund 15022 Portfolio
CITIC Securities — China Citic Bank — Hybrid Collective Asset Management Plan for Excellent Growth with Two-year Holding Period of CITIC Securities
Shareholdings of Top 10 Shareholders Without Sales Restriction
Name of Shareholder
Number of Shareholding
The condition of pledge, mark, or freeze
Share status
RMB common stock
ENN Holdings Investment Co., Ltd.
RMB common stock
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited
RMB common stock
Langfang Heyuan Investment Center (LLP)
RMB common stock
Hebei Weiyuan Group Co., Ltd.
RMB common stock
Hongchuang (Shenzhen) Investment Centre (Limited Partnership)
RMB common stock
National Social Security Fund 106 Portfolio
RMB common stock
Basic endowment insurance fund 15022 Portfolio
RMB common stock
CITIC Securities — China Citic Bank — Hybrid Collective Asset Management Plan for Excellent Growth with Two-year Holding Period of CITIC Securities
RMB common stock
Huaneng Guicheng Trust Co., Ltd.
RMB common stock
Information on associated relationship or concerted action between the aforesaid shareholders

1.ENN GROUP INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT LIMITED, ENN Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., ENN Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Langfang Heyuan Investment Center (LLP) and Hebei Weiyuan Group Co., Ltd. are controlled by Mr. Wang Yusuo, the actual controller of the Company.


2.The couple, Mr. Wang Yusuo and Ms. Zhao Baoju, signed the Share Escrow Agreement in respect of ENN GROUP INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENTLIMITED with ENN Holdings on 30 November 2018, under which Mr. Wang Yusuo and Ms. Zhao Baoju respectively entrusted all shares held by them in ENN International (including the rights and interests corresponding to such shares) to ENN Holdings for management, and the term continues on 31 December 2040.


3.The Company is not aware of whether there is an associated relationship between others shareholders or whether they are acting in concert.

Note: On 19 December 2023, ENN Holdings and ENN Science and Technology signed a Share Transfer Agreement. Due to internal shareholding structure adjustments, ENN Holdings intended to transfer 25,000,000 unrestricted circulating shares it held to ENN Science and Technology. On 12 January 2024, this equity transfer was completed. As a result, ENN Holdings held 405,737,451 shares, and ENN Science and Technology held 277,808,988 shares.